Past Life Regression

I’ve often been asked what is a past life regression in hypnosis? A past life regression is a technique used by certified hypnotherapist to recover memories from a past life.

A past life regression is unique to each individual and the information retrieved provides clarity to many unanswered questions, fears, and physical ailments related to that person's current life. Many claim it's a profound experience.

It’s amazing how past life events can have an effect on a person's current life. Most people found past life regression tobe very therapeutic and intriguing to experience. However, past life regression hypnotherapy technique should be facilitated with a certified hypnotherapist.

Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist well renowned for her 40 years of past life regression work. Dolores developed her own method and protocol of hypnotherapy called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, also known as QHHT. I’m fortunate to have been trained in Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique as well as Certified as a Hypnotherapist by the Institute of Hypnotherapy.

Dolores began her career utilizing hypnosis while living off a military base with her husband. Military staff would seek her services to help heal pain and illness. Dolores' work provided answers to many unexplained circumstances. For example, meeting someone you clearly never met in your current life but felt as if you knew them from somewhere or had a sense you’ve met them before. Dolores stated, the reason a person may feel they may have met this person before is because they had a past life encounter together. She came to this conclusion based the many unrelated hypnotherapy past life regression sessions she facilitated with various clients who revealed the same information.

Another example with one of Dolores' clients who was having a chronic physical ailment with no known medical cause for her migraine. During a past life regression Dolores discovered the source of her client's headaches was blunt force trauma to the head. During the hypnotic state Dolores helped the client process the painful event and healed the client of experiencing headaches in her current life.

A popular question usually asked is the topic of soulmates. A soulmate does not necessary refer to a love interest or someone you are meant to be with. For example, you may have heard of the term "soul sister". A soulmate is a significant person that agrees to be with you during life times for a specific purpose.

However, romantic love is a deeper, stronger emotion, and more desirable. Therefore, it may be easier to sense a romantic soulmate. It could be a gut feeling, an intuition, a knowing, a feeling of a glimpse into the future, or a premonition. It happens randomly. If you are tuned in and use your intuition, you will sense it. You’ll know in divine timing.


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