Discover Your Past Lives with Regression Therapy
During a past life regression one may recall memories of past lives and even a point of death. This technique is generally used to uncover significant information from the mystery of a past life that may have an effect on one’s present life. It’s been documented that a present day issue can be related and resolved through past life hypnosis.
Often times the information revealed connects situations and/or persons from the past life that is having an influence in the present life. It can provided clues and answers to some of your life’s mysteries connected to the present. It’s like finding the missing piece to a puzzle. It’s fascinating to experience.
In the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique past life regressions play a significant part in healing most illnesses. In some cases discovering the root cause of an illness alone can heal the person. The client may be shown a different perspective and an understanding of the significance of the events that transpired.
However, the client must want to be healed, believe, and have faith that healing is possible. The reason for this is because in the state of hypnosis you have free will and are in full control.
Opposing beliefs and moral ethics cannot be imprinted upon your subconscious mind during a hypnosis session. Your subconscious mind will not accept something it does not authentically believe in and will automatically reject contrary information.
Life Between Lives Regression is a regression that takes the client on a journey prior to the current lifetime beyond the physical. Beyond the moment of conception. Above spirit form to its original form which is the energy of the soul.
It is here, in this state, where soul contracts are consecrated. The state of collaboration between you and other souls who agree to participate in your soul’s growth and expansion by writing the scenes to your next life.
Just like creating a broadway play there are the cast of characters: parents, siblings, husband, wives, children, family, friends, and employers. Then you have geographic location(s) where it all takes place. The pitfalls, the challenges, good and happy times. And then there is the plot of the story. You’re life’s theme and patterns that reveal themselves. A mystery for you to uncover. The lesson of that lifetime. This is how the soul evolves.